Friday, January 27, 2006

NASA & RSS I'm not exactly sure why, but someone forwarded me the feedvalidator results of a NASA RSS feed, and they fail miserably. There's empty <pubDate>s, javascript <link>s, unencoded HTML in the <description> that's not valid XML and therefore makes the entire document invalid, etc. Quite frankly, coming from NASA, I found it somewhat amusing... I mean, it's not like this stuff... (67 words, 12 Comments)

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Xbox 360 After seeing it in stock through their inventory locator, I drove by Circuit City yesterday to try and get myself an xbox 360. Since the store is about 20 minutes from my home, there was a pretty big chance they'd be gone by the time I got there, and they were indeed nowhere to be found in the showroom by... (374 words, 3 Comments)