JRoller and SharpReader

JRoller had a problem a little while ago where any RSS requests to it returned an HTTP Last-Modified Header somewhere in 2028. While this seems to be fixed right now, it has the unfortunate side-effect that any JRoller feeds you were subscribed to during this time will no longer be updated in SharpReader. This is because when SharpReader requests updates, it sets the If-Modified-Since header to the previously received Last-Modified, so servers can conserve bandwidth and respond with a 304: Not Modified if no changes have been made since then (see also this section for more info). This means that in JRoller's case, you'll have to wait about 24 years for your next update.

For the impatient, there are a two ways to fix this. One way is to unsubscribe from any JRoller feeds and subsequently re-subscribe. This is the simplest solution, but does cause you to lose any saved items you may have in SharpReader for these feeds. The other solution is to exit SharpReader and open the subscriptions.xml file (which can be found in your C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Application Data\SharpReader directory, substituting [USERNAME] for your Windows user name) and remove the lastModified attribute of any JRoller entry. So if there's currently a line like

<RssFeed name="BileBlog" url="http://www.jroller.com/rss/fate" lastRefresh="2004-07-20T11:50:43.6942192-04:00" lastModified="Thu, 24 Aug 2028 12:29:54 GMT" />

you would edit this to become

<RssFeed name="BileBlog" url="http://www.jroller.com/rss/fate" lastRefresh="2004-07-20T11:50:43.6942192-04:00" />

When you subsequently restart SharpReader, the problem should be fixed.

If you decide to edit your subscriptions.xml file, please first backup your Application Data\SharpReader directory so that in case anything goes wrong, you will not lose any data.

TrackBack URL for this entry: http://www.hutteman.com/scgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/165

jroller and sharpreader
Luke posted some info about jroller and SharpReader . ### For the impatient, there are a two ways to fix this. One way is to unsubscribe from any JRoller feeds and subsequently re-subscribe. This is the simplest solution, but does cause you to lose

Trackback from rich! 's Weblog at July 22, 2004 12:01 PM

Hrrm. Was that a Last-Modified in 2028 with a Date in 2004, in which case you should probably throw in a prophylactic if ($lastmod_header > $date_header) { $lastmod_header = $date_header }, or just an incorrect server clock (in which case you're stuck, since you have to assume that your user's clock is more likely to be inaccurate than J. Random Server's clock)?

Posted by Phil Ringnalda at July 31, 2004 9:57 PM

There has to be a better way to update the address of a given webfeed. Diving into the subscriptions.xml file seems a little annoying. Would it be possible to enable user to "update" a webfeed?


Posted by Jack Vinson at July 31, 2004 11:18 PM

If the URL of a feed has changed, it's up to the server to indicate this through the HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) header. Upon receipt of a 301, SharpReader will automatically change the URL of your subscription.

Posted by Luke Hutteman at July 31, 2004 11:30 PM

What happens if you discover that the owner has a full web feed and I want to change my subscription while keeping the old folder of posts?

And what if they don't know about 301?

Posted by Jack Vinson at August 2, 2004 3:59 PM
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