Sunday, July 4, 2004

JavaOne Report: The MemoryModel and Concurrency Utilities For me, the most interesting sessions of the conference were regarding the new MemoryModel and Concurrency Utilities. Having recently done quite a bit of threading code, it's clear that JDK 5.0 will vastly improve on the current primitives synchronized, wait and notify (which will, of course, still be supported in JDK 5.0, though they probably won't be used as much).... (875 words, 9 Comments)

JavaOne notes Sun's studio creator has interesting collaboration-options built in: it comes with an instant messenger pane that has code-options, enabling things like copy'n paste of code (which will be sent with code-highlighting), doing code-completion in the IM window, and even sending entire files, which can subsequently be edited synchronously between both parties - very cool stuff. It was announced that "There... (526 words, 4 Comments)